Lehigh University has begun a campus planning process as an outcome of the Strategic Plan -
“Inspiring the Future Makers.”
This vision for Lehigh’s future has prompted the need for a new campus plan. The central question of the campus plan is: how can Lehigh’s diverse collection of buildings and landscapes support the goals and initiatives of the Strategic Plan, while preserving the essential character of the place – what makes Lehigh, Lehigh? This question will require a deep understanding of the campus evolution and Lehigh’s aspirations for its future, in parallel with careful consideration of campus-wide systems and more detailed investigation of specific, strategically important issues.
The Campus Plan will translate the goals and initiatives of the Strategic Plan into the physical campus. The Campus Plan will provide recommendations for short and long-term, big and small, improvements to the campus buildings, landscapes, mobility systems, and infrastructure.
Stay tuned as the final Campus Plan will be coming at the end of 2025