Scroll through and click on the bars below to see all of our EH&S policies.
Effective Date: 1/1995
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Biohazardous Materials in Research and Instruction Policy
To ensure the safe handling, storage, and disposal of potentially hazardous materials used in University research or instruction projects.
All University reserach and instructional activities involving biohazard materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) prior to the use of any such material. Projects submitted for sponsorship by external agencies must be submitted for IBC review prior to acceptance for funding. IBC reviews and approvals are coordinated and reviewed by the Biosafety Officer in Environmental Health and Safety.
Additional information may be obtained by reviewing Lehigh's Biosafety Program.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Policy
To ensure all occupational and researsch activities are conducted in a manner consistent with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 regulatory requirement Bloodborne Pathogens.
All individuals working in an occupation that may have exposure to bloodborne pathogens have ten (10) working days upon being hired to be trained in bloodborne pathogens and offered the Hepatitis B inoculation. This group includes police officers, special education teachers and those individuals working in a lab where pathogens or sharps are frequently in use.
Additional information may be obtained under the Bloodborne Pathogen Program.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Confined Space Entry Policy
To ensure all occupational entries into confined spaces is done safely and in accordance with OSHA 29 CFRR 1910.146 Confined Space Entry.
All individuals working in a confined area must follow the guidelines established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for confined space. This includes supervisor approval, air quality testing, ensuring constant communication, proper recording of air quality measurements and emergency response planning.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 2/1999
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabiity: Contractor Safety Policy
To ensure contractors working on University property follow the regulatory requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Lehigh Contractor Safety guidelines established by Environmental Health and Safety.
All contractors will review and follow Lehigh's Contractor Safety program and the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for construction and industry. A safety presentation is available on Facillities Services website as well as Environmental Health and Safety's website.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Eye Protection for Laboratories Policy
To Protect faculty, staff and students from injuries to the eye caused by materials used in the laboratory.
All individuals working in a laboratory will comply with the use of safety glasses or safety goggles while working with or near chemicals, gases or oweders or while using power equipment such as saws, lathes and grinders.
All individuals working with lasers will have the appropriate laser safety glasses for the wavelength in use.
All welders will have the appropriate shade of protectin for the welding operation.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1994
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabiity: Fall Protection Policy
To protect employees from accidental death or injury related to accidental falls.
All individuals must comply with the OSHA regulation CFR 1926.501 Fall Protection. Fall protection begins at the six foot level of occupational employees. (The six foot rule also applies to students on campus._
In addition to roof top work, fall protection is also required when using high reach equipment (JLG). Fall protection is also required when working at indoor heights such as in the IMBT lab in ATLSS or when working indoors on construction. Fall protection may be in the form of personal harnesses or in the form of a railing on a scaffold.
For additional information refer to Fall Protection Program.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 09/1992
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabiity: Hearing Conservation Policy
To protect the hearing of employees and students.
All individuals must wear hearing protection in areas of high noise generally found to be over OSHA's Permmissive Exposure Limit of 90 dBA (8 hour TWA). The action level requiring a hearing program begins at the 85 dBA level. Those participating in the hearing protection program are required to receive annual hearing tests to monitor hearing loss. All tests and equipment expenses are covered by the University.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Lockout/Tagout The Control of Hazardous Energy Policy
To enusre each operation prevents the accidental energization of equipment while undergoing maintenance. Lockout Tagout applies to securing any force where energy (whether electrical, hydraulic, gas or mechanical) may cause injury if accidentally engaged.
Each individual working on equipment must follow the guidelines of Lockout Tagout as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Equipment that is locked out of use must have a tag that provides the name and phone number of the individual locking out the equipment.
For additional information refer to the Lockout Tagout Program.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 06/2013
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabiity: Nanotechnology Safety Policy
To ensure students, staff and researchers follow the safety guidelines established by both Environmental Health and Safety and University faculty in the field because regulatory safety guidelines have yet to be established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
All University personnel working in laboratories where nanoscale materials are in use will follow the guidelines established by Environmental Health and Safety. The guidelines are available on the Environmental Health and Safety website.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabiity: Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories Policy
To protect faculty, staff and students from injuries caused by materials used in the laboratory.
All personnel will wear lab coat, gloves and sfety glasses when handling chemicals or powders.
All chemicals and chemical waste in the laboratory will be properly labeled as to the content of the container.
A chemical inventory of the laboratory is required annually and posted on the laboratory door.
All chemicals will be placed in proper storage based on their chemical makeup - acids and bases are stored separately and flammables are stored in flammable materials containers.
Safety Data Sheets must be on hand and reviewed prior to using the chemicals, gases or powders.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicabililty: Overhead Traveling Crane Operation Policy
To ensure the use of overhead traveling cranes is done safely and in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.179
All individuals using overhead cranes must comply with the guidelines of 29 CF$ 1910.179. This includes safety training and an annual inspection by a third party licensed vendor of the crane. Overhead cranes are to onlyy be used by personnel trained in the use of the crane as well as the use of slings, straps and ropes.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 1/1005
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Personal Protective Equipment Policy
To protect employees from the hazards of processes or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, mechanical irritants, nanomaterials, lasers, power tools or other forms of equippment that may cause injury. PPE provides protection to the eyes, face, head and extremities and may be in the form of clothing, footwear, eye protection, gloves, fall protection equipment, respirators, hardhats or lab coats.
All University personnel will follow the safety guidelines established by Environmental Health and Safety in regards to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which is in compliance with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability:: Radioactive Material and Machines Capable of Producing Ionizing Radiation Policy
To ensure all activities related to sources of ionizing radiation are conducted in compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection.
No person shall purchase, receive, possess, use, transfer or dispose of any source of ionizing radiation (radioactivev material or equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation as defined by regulation) except with the approval of the Radiation Safety Officer and in accordance with the procedures established by the Radiation Safety Committee.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Respiratory Protection Policy
To establish uniform administrative procedures and minimum requirements related to respiratory protection.
Respirators shall be provided by the University when such equipment is necessary to protect the health of the employee or when requested by the employee. Lehigh University shall provide respirators which are applicable and suitable for the intended purpose. When effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted, appropriate respirators shall be used.
Environmental Health and Safety shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the Respiratory Protection Program. Only those employees authorized by Environmental Health and Safety shall use respiratory equipment.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 1/1/1990
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Safety Committees Policy
Safety committees are established to help maintain a safe work environment in areas where significant laboratory or research work is conducted.
Safety Committees shall be established in areas where significant laboratory work is conducted as well as in support of specialized areas such as Biosafety or Radation Safety. Safety Committees support research requiremnets established by grant-providing agencies such as National Science Fundation or the Department of Defense.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Shipping of Hazardous Materials Policy
To ensure the shipment of all hazardous materials is conducted in compliance with the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing the classification, marking, description, labeling and packaging of hazardous materials in commerce.
Hazardous materials must be properly labeled, packaged, marked and classified according to all DOT regulatins. No person can offer a hazardous material for shipping unless they are a certified DOT shipper and trained according to DOT 49 CFR 172, Subpart H.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Waste Disposal Policy
To ensure the disposal of all hazardous, radioactive, infectious, pathological and any other regulated waste or material is conducted in complicance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and all state and local regulations governing the disposal of waste matericals.
Disposal of all hazardous wate, radioactive waste, infectious/medical waste, or any other regulated waste or material shall be in accordance with established Lehigh University waste disposal procedures. Hazardous materials and hazardous wastes shall be properly identified and labeled according to Lehigh University procedures. Departments shall be responsible for the identification of, and in some cases, the payment of, unknown waste or other unusual waste. Environmental Health and Safety will coordinate the disposal of hazardous, radioactive, infectious and pathological waste.
For further information contact Environmnetal Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 5/1998
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Welding Cutting and Brazing Policy
To provide the safety requiremnts for welding, cutting and brazing in accordance with 299 CFR 1910.251 of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
All University personnel will follow the OSHA guideline when cutting, brazing or welding. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring their employees (or students) ar trained and are using the appropriate safety equipment including safety screens, fireproof safety blankets, proper clothing and gloves as well as the appropriate welding shield. Supervisors and the person conducting the hot work are responsible for ensuring fire safety measures are in place such as a fire extinguisher and a one hour fire safety watch following the work.
Outside contractors will follow OSHA requirements and file a burning permit with Facilities Services prior to conducting hot work.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website
Effective Date: 10/1991
Revised Date: 5/1/2019
Applicability: Worker Right-To-Know Policy
To establish mechanisms to assure compliance with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CRF 1910.1200, which requires employers to provide information regarding hazardous chemicals to employees who may be exposed to such chemicals in the workplace.
All employees/students/researchers/visiting scientists, ettc. who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the course of employment, education or research through any route of entry (inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or absorption, etc.) and includes potential exposure under normal operating conditions or foreseeable emergencies shall have access to any and all information pertaining to the chemicals they work with or are exposed to.
For further information contact Environmental Health and Safety at 84251 or visit the website